Aeratis Traditions was designed and engineered specifically for painted porch applications. Many historic neighborhoods, and restoration projects require painting. Also, many budgets are much tighter these days. Aeratis Traditions is the only paint ready tongue and groove porch floor that can be painted ANY color you choose. After installation savings and rebates, your cost will be similar to the cost of the wood products Traditions is meant to replace. Keep in mind, if you use the recommended paints, testing shows that you may only need to re-paint every 7 to 10 years in high traffic areas. So, with this offering, you get the color you want without the maintenance of wood or concrete. Remember, use one of our recommended paints and your paint is FREE with our paint rebate program. Request a sample today and find out how technology can allow you to have the color you want without the maintenance.
Aeratis Classic and Traditions are the only T&G porch flooring products on the market that you can paint and still maintain the full warranty. Many people don’t even want to consider the maintenance typically associated with a painted porch, and who could blame them after dealing with wood or other synthetics… But, before you decide against a painted porch all together, consider the fact that once you paint Aeratis, you may never need to paint it again. Third party testing has proven Aeratis to have the highest paint-adhesion rating available. This means that once applied to Aeratis, the paint won’t chip off, peel, split or crack, and you won’t have to paint it year in and year out.
Aeratis Classic, for years has been the flagship and the model for performance in tongue and groove category. It comes in three colors and can be painted. Think, if you were to install a porch floor and then decide you want to change the color of your home. Do you want to have to rip up every board and throw it away because it no longer matches? With many products on the market today, this is the case. With Aeratis Classic you get the best of both worlds, it is color-through and you have the option to paint it if you ever decide to change the color of your home.